Contoh Iklan Lowongan Pekerjaan Teknik Mesin dalam Bahasa Inggris
2 November 2023
Artikel ini akan memberikan contoh iklan lowongan kerja dalam bahasa Inggris untuk jurusan teknik mesin (mechanical engineering). – Di zaman sekarang ini, semakin banyak perusahaan di Indonesia yang membuat iklan lowongan kerja dalam bahasa Inggris.
Namun, masih banyak tim rekruter / staff HRD yang merasa kesulitan dalam membuat iklan lowongan kerja bahasa Inggris.
Memang tugas tersebut tidaklah mudah. Salah – salah, reputasi perusahaan taruhannya.
Sahabat Pagesfix, kali ini kita akan membahas sebuah contoh iklan lowongan pekerjaan bahasa Inggris, khusus untuk posisi teknik mesin (mechanical engineer).
Berikut adalah contoh iklan lowongan pekerjaan teknik mesin dalam bahasa Inggris.
Mechanical Engineer (Full-Time)
PT Alpha Engineering
Karawang, West Java
About PT Alpha Engineering
PT Alpha Engineering has a reputation for manufacturing high-quality industrial equipment and machinery. Our clients include major companies in the energy, automotive, and chemical industries.
Located in Karawang, PT Alpha Engineering has been providing industry-leading products and services for more than 25 years.
The challenge of manufacturing innovative products that answer our customers’ needs requires people with different skill sets to work together. We are proud of our multidisciplinary engineering teams that come from various backgrounds, and we are constantly looking for more exceptional engineers to join us.
We offer competitive compensation and benefits to enable our employees to live a healthy, well-balanced life at and outside of work.
If you are a mechanical engineer who loves to solve technical challenges and work in a collaborative environment, we encourage you to apply for this role.
Job Description
As a mechanical engineer at PT Alpha Engineering, you will work within a cross-disciplinary team to ensure the quality and reliability of our products.
You will also use your expertise in mechanical engineering to perform root-cause analyses of the failed products that were returned by our customers.
Proficiency in CAD and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is crucial. Training will be provided.
At PT Alpha Engineering, we are always interested in delivering the best technical solutions to our customers with the most cost-effective options. As a mechanical engineer, you will be tasked with designing and performing tests to assess if there are more cost-effective ways to build our products that still satisfy the engineering requirements.
IDR 7,000,000-12,000,000 per month.
Qualifications / Requirements
- Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.
- 3+ years of experience as a mechanical engineer is preferred. Fresh graduates with internship experience are welcome to apply.
- Proficiency in CAD and Finite Element Analysis is preferred.
- Good understanding of basic manufacturing processes, such as welding, machining, and laser cutting.
- Ability to perform mechanical engineering calculations and analyses.
- Strong attention to detail, analytical skills, and problem-solving skills.
- Strong oral and written communication skills.
- Good safety awareness.
- Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.
- Highly motivated and responsible.
- Health insurance
- Paid vacation
- Career development program
How to Apply / Contact
Please send your resume to:
Arif Haryono
Senior HR Specialist
[email protected]
If you have any questions related to this position, please send your inquiry to the email address above.
Sahabat Pagesfix, itulah sebuah contoh iklan lowongan kerja dalam bahasa Inggris untuk posisi teknik mesin (mechanical engineer).
Kamu bisa ikuti contoh tersebut untuk membantumu membuat iklan lowongan pekerjaan di situs – situs lowongan kerja. Misalnya JobStreet, Glints, Indeed, dan LinkedIn.
Tinggal kamu sesuaikan dengan kriteria posisi teknik mesin yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan tempat kamu bekerja.
Jurusan Teknik Mesin sendiri memiliki banyak cabang / spesialisasi. Misalnya, termodinamika (thermodynamics), mekanika fluida (fluid mechanics), mekatronika (mechatronics), dan banyak lagi.
Jangan lupa mencamtukan dalam iklanmu jika pekerjaan yang kamu tawarkan membutuhkan keahlian di bidang spesialisasi tersebut.
Di samping itu, pastikan kamu menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar. Kamu bisa menggunakan jasa proofreader untuk memastikan tidak ada kesalahan penggunaan bahasa di iklanmu.
Kesalahan spelling atau grammar akan berpotensi merusak reputasi perusahaan. Karena perusahaan akan terkesan ceroboh dan tidak profesional.
Selain menggunakan situs – situs lowongan kerja, biasanya perusahaan juga akan menggunakan media sosial untuk menyebarkan informasi terkait lowongan tersebut.
Nah, kamu bisa membuat poster lowongan pekerjaan bahasa Inggris untuk teknik mesin seperti di bawah ini. Lalu tinggal kamu sebarkan di media sosial.

Sahabat Pagesfix, sekian pembahasan kali ini. Semoga bisa membantumu dalam membuat iklan lowongan pekerjaan bahasa Inggris.
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